Recovery Is Possible

About Us

When you are grappling with an eating disorder, it often feels like it there is no hope. Zero.

When we were in that position with our fifteen year old daughter, that’s exactly how we felt. Every win was offset by a bigger setback. We were 100% certain that it would Literally. Never. End.

One thing that we found helpful was hearing stories of survival and recovery
from other sufferers of ED’s. People who had been exactly where we were – or
worse – and then, somehow, found themselves through it.

We still didn’t necessarily believe this would happen for us – but we fought
on for another day. And thankfully, our family too is now through to the other

During that journey we talked with thousands of people, many of whom shared
their stories.

We created this site to share stories about recovery from eating disorders
from more people who have gone down that path, and have come out the other
side. This site is for people who suffer from any kind of eating disorder, and
feel that it will never end. It is for their brothers and sisters, their
parents, families and friends.

Our hope is to show you that recovery IS possible, despite how hopeless you may feel. If it’s happened for so many other families who couldn’t imagine things getting better, it can happen for you.

Do not give up. Tomorrow is another day.

In the meantime, hang around here for a while, and do some reading.